Coping MachineRKF

The Stegherr RKF machine mills the profile of the sash bar from the bottom upwards into the already assembled frame.

Stegherr RKF Video 1 - Coping Machine
Stegherr RKF Video 2 - Coping Machine


Optimal adjustment

The workpiece is placed on the longside fence and aligned. The frame is held in place by an additional lateral stop. The machine can be used for both straight and curved pieces. A fence extension for curved parts helps squaring the frame.

Coping Machine for Sash Bar Frames RKF-5

This machine will produce several tear free notches into the workpiece and also cut both workpiece ends to exact size in one cycle. The Coping Machine RKF-5 can be equipped with a variable number of milling units.

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Sales & service

Rainer Böhm, +49 9402 501 22



Sales & service international

Aldona Piecha, +49 9402 501 23



Sales & service international

Ulrike Gahr, +49 9402 501 27



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